Journey into the wild

Journey into the Wild is a journal written by Afghani Centaur, Iraj Ali, dating back to the 18th century.


Winged creatures

Land creatures




Diamond tail wyvern

Domain ‣ Eukarya
Order ‣ Carnivora
Family ‣ Reptilis
Genus ‣ Wyverns
Height ‣ 11"-10"
Lifestyle ‣ Arboreal
Threat ‣ ★★
Diamond Tail Wyverns are mainly found in Northern-Eastern Europe, with no intentions of migrating. Diamond Tails are different from other wyverns, having thick, leather skin to protect themselves from harsh mountain rocks and poachers.These raptors also exhibit fascinating social behavior towards humans. So much so it's common for those in Europe, especially the UK, to own Diamond Tails. However, they are mainly used for sports or military purposes, with their high speeds and agility.With their slender bodies and long tails, Diamond Tails are said to reach 230mph.Males can reach up to 10", with females reaching up to 11". Males are said to stick next to their mates, even after the birth of their young. With the lack of predators, Diamond Tails young may choose to leave or stay with their parents at the juvenile.

(art by n/a, pm me on discord if you know)


Red Dead

Domain ‣ Eukarya
Order ‣ Carnivora
Family ‣ Reptilis
Genus ‣ Wyverns
Height ‣ 20"
Lifestyle ‣ Active hunter
Threat ‣ ★★★★
Standing at 20 feet tall, Red Deads are a distant relative of dragons, especially the Anubis Kyte. They're known for their stealth and hostility and have little to no socialization with humans. During the early 20th century, Red Deads were captured and sold to the United States, where they were clipped with their talons cut off and tails shortened.Red Deads were used in rodeos, especially in the south, especially Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, etc. However, at the beginning of the 21st century, capturing and selling Red Deads became illegal, now being released back into the wild only to become invasive. Luckily, programs are designed to capture Red Deads and send them back to their homelands, the Sahara Desert.Unlike other wyverns, Red Deads live under the sand at night to keep themselves cool and ambush traveling merchants. They can live underground for up to fifteen hours and hide in crevices or plateaus for hibernation.Both males and females stand up to 20 feet tall, the only difference between the genders is their scales. Males tend to have darker scales than females, with more of a broader snout than females. Females tend to hunt more often, having only two calves maximum.However, once they reach the age of thirty, males will search for female wyverns to mate with. If the female already has a calf, they'll compete with the calf's pre-existing father to the death.It's crucial to note that owning a Red Dead remains strictly illegal in the states of Africa, southwest Asia, and southern Europe. However, it's been reported that Special Forces in the Middle East have been known to keep one or two.

(art by Aldo Domínguez on artstation)


African Red-tail raptor

Domain ‣ Eukarya
Order ‣ Carnivora
Family ‣ Reptilis
Genus ‣ Raptors
Height ‣ 7"-8"
Lifestyle ‣ Active hunter
Threat ‣ ★★★
The African Red-Tailed Raptor can be found in North Africa. However, during spring and summer, it may migrate north to Jordan, Israel, Palestine, or Lebanon—which happens to be their mating season, with fall being the hatching season.The African Red-Tailed Raptor's social behavior is truly unique. Males, for instance, exhibit a sense of loyalty, staying with their mates until they reach juvenile status before seeking other mates. Females, on the other hand, display remarkable maternal instincts, staying with their young until they've learned to hunt independently.Red-tails are prone to rabies and hunting, leading to their nearly extinct state until a Nigerian sanctuary captured two remaining males and females before releasing the small herd.

(art by brent hollwell on pinterest)


Winged Creatures

Land Creatures


Norse Horse

Tsuk Sika


Ali's Tortoise

Hammerhead Elk

Borzoi Tsuk




Saint Unicorn

Domain ‣ Eukarya
Order ‣ Artiodactyla
Family ‣ Equidae
Genus ‣ Unicorn
Height ‣ 5"
Lifestyle ‣Terrestrial
Threat ‣ ★★★★
Born in East Europe and North Asia, Saint Unicorns are known for their poisonous horns and hostile personality. Unicorns don't migrate as often, yet they will move to the bottom of mountains during the winter.Saint Unicorns are known for their lion-like tail, curved horns, and elf-like ears. When threatened, Unicorns will produce poison from their horns. However, during the Mongol Empire, the venom was extracted from their horns by either being cut off or having surgery performed on their foreheads.Behind the horn is a visible bump where the venom is held, called the melon. Soldiers in the empire would use a small blade to open the melon before cleaning the area before an infection. In modern times, the process is still done, being harmless if one sterilizes the area.Unicorns are found mainly in Russia, Mongolia, and China, hailed as sacred beings.Males tend to have more fur than females, along with a beard on their chin, chest, and genitals.
